Acupuncture Treatment In Patna



Acupuncture is an ancient art of healing the body, utilizing its own Yin(-ve) and Yan (+ve) energies. It is based on the premise that there are patterns of energy flow (Qi) through the body that are essential for health.
Disruption of this flow are belived to be responsible for disease. Acupuncture treatment consists of inserting very fine needles at specific points on the skin, which are located near the nerve ending to correct these imbalances of flow . It is done by giving stimulation at identifiable points by Acupuncture device.


Acupressure is a nature cure system originated in ancient India for treatment .
It is similar to Acupuncture, but treatment is done using pressure by finger rather than fine needles on specific points along the body to treat the ailments.


Our body is also a magnet so it may be controlled by magnetic power.
Magneto therapy occupies a top place amongst non –medical modes of treatment . It has raised considerable hopes for those suffering from diseases which are not easily amenable to the prevalent medicines.
The advantages of Magnet therapy over other modes of treatment are numerous, it is simple and effective, it has no harmful side effects and it is inexpensive.


Homoeopathy is a system of alternative medicine created by Samuel Hahnemann, based on his doctrine ‘ Like cures like’.
Homoeopathy this truly tongue twisting term, stemming from the Greek, stands for a self –contained system of therapy which gently support the natural , regenerative healing endeavours of the organism.
There is an increased probability of hitting the target and considerable time is saved in finding the right drug . Homoeopathy is regarded as the total and safe cure .


Physiotherapy is a wonderful manipulative technique by which the deformities of an individual are modified in order to notify the body and vital organs .
In this therapy, professionals diagnose & treat individuals of all age, from new born to the oldest one , who have health problems, illness or injuries that limit their abilities to move and perform function activities.


Ayurvedic medicines is the system of traditional medicine native to India subcontinent and a traditional form of alternative medicine.
Ensuring the proper function of channels that transport fluids is a part of Ayurvedic treatment, because the lack of healthy channels is thought to cause diseases.
Practitioners treat by massage with oils and fomentation to open up these channels. One of the fundamental aspects of Ayurvedic medicine is to take this into account during diagnosis and therapy.


Yoga is an ancient therapy that mainly involves physical, Mental, and Spiritual practices with the view to obtain a state of permanent peace.
Yoga emphasizes the Physical practices and disciplines.
The ultimate goal of yoga is liberation. Yoga asans directly enlivens the body’s inner intelligence.

Visit Us At

Main Centre : Noon Ka Chowraha,
Patna City-8, Bihar
Timing :- 8 a.m To 1 p.m & 5 p.m To 9 p.m

Branch at :-
Rail par , Naya Mohalla, Asansol-2 (W.B.)
( From 1st to 3rd of every month)
Timing of Asansol :- 7 a.m To 1 p.m & 3 p.m to 9 p.m

Contact No. :
9386653065, 9835088929, 8538960978

Email :

Note :- For appointment in Asansol (W.B.), please have your registeration by contacting us on the above given numbers before date. Without registertion only emergency patients are seen.