Acupuncture Treatment In Patna

About Us

Acupuncture Hussain Health Center run and Managed by Dr. S.M. Mazhar Hussain , Director & Founder of Alternatives Union treatmeant in India. The only Acupuncture Health Center in Bihar which confers treatment by seven therapies..

Acupuncture Acupressure Magnetotherapy
Homoeopathy Physiotherapy Ayurveda

It comprises of branches in Bengal & JharKhand too,under the association of its main centre located at Noon Ka chowraha , Patna City -08 Bihar.

Patients from different regions of country specially Vellore & AIIMS returns comes here for cure through Alternative treatment.

At Present, all these therapies has been adopted by the AYUSH Department, The Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Govt. of India .Rachi, W.H.O has also recommended them.

Hussain Hospital, came into existence about 13 Years ago, in the Year 2001 with the aim of treating and curing Patients by our traditional and natural Pathies, without any side effects . Its aim is serving the society & country to make it free from Pain and Suffering.

Due to all These therapies facilities under one Umbrella ,Patients from different regions arrive here and get cure . These therapies are very effective and provide permanent cure for many a so called incurable and chronic diseases. This is an unique Institution able to achieve 70-100% cure rate . That’s Why patients from here get maximum benefits .

Here, Major treatment of patients suffering from bodily ailments like Arthritis , Paralysis , Glucoma, Cerebral Palsy specially bone , joint , Vein , nerve and Spine related diseases is done with out any operation.
We give maximum chance of recovery,from acute and chronic disease .

All the treatment given here are of affordable cost & thus a general person can also get benefit of treatment from here. Facilities of lodging and fooding are also available here at the affordable rate.

Visit Us At

Main Centre : Noon Ka Chowraha,
Patna City-8, Bihar
Timing :- 8 a.m To 1 p.m & 5 p.m To 9 p.m

Branch at :-
Rail par , Naya Mohalla, Asansol-2 (W.B.)
( From 1st to 3rd of every month)
Timing of Asansol :- 7 a.m To 1 p.m & 3 p.m to 9 p.m

Contact No. :
9386653065, 9835088929, 8538960978

Email :

Note :- For appointment in Asansol (W.B.), please have your registeration by contacting us on the above given numbers before date. Without registertion only emergency patients are seen.